From strength to strength


Here are two statements from two different physicians (neurologists) about Don Vanderhoof’s healing from the typically fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. These statements are taken from the book From Strength to Strength: Our Testimony of God’s Healing by Don and Jill Vanderhoof (pp 69-71). The Vanderhoofs and the physicians are presently alive so presumably anyone can contact the parties for more information if they are interested.

Mr. Don Vanderhoof was admitted in our clinic with partial complex seizures whose duration, intensity, and frequency steadily increased despite intensive therapy. The seizures began occurring within short intervals of a few minutes so that Mr. Vanderhoof could not walk safely, could not take care of himself, could not lead nor follow a conversation.

According to the clinical appearances, course of development, and additional diagnostic methods (magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalogram, spinal tap, and other lab tests), the existence of the new version of the Creutzfeld-Jakob-Disease was very likely. Due to the rapid progression of Mr. Vanderhoof’s disease, a demonstrative brain biopsy was not performed. In view of the hopeless prognosis, a rapid transport back to the U.S. was organized.

Our American colleagues joined our suspected diagnosis and also waived on brain biopsy probably due to the clear clinical picture and the very poor prognosis. (In retrospect, it proved to be very fortunate that no brain biopsy was performed.)

When Mr. Don Vanderhoof presented himself healthy in our clinic one and a half years later, the news from his return spread like wildfire among those who had cared for him previously. Everyone was amazed because Mr. Vanderhoof’s recovery had been thought impossible.

The only aftereffect of Mr. Vanderhoof’s severe illness of the central nervous system is a major lack of memory of the time of his stay in our clinic and of the first several months after his return to the U.S.A.

Harald Hefter, February 2005
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Harald Hefter
Medical Director, Department of Neurology,
University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany

I examined Don Vanderhoof the first time on September 21, 2000. Before he came to me, he was examined in Germany and at the Indiana University. At his first visit, he was suffering from Myoclonus, extreme fatigue, and poor short-term memory. He was being treated with Depakote (Dival Sodium) for Myoclonus. On December 15, 2000, his wife indicated there was a decrease in the seizures and fatigue. On February 19, 2001, I was able to begin decreasing the dosage of the medication. His memory and thinking capabilities had normalized. In December 2001, he was able to once again take up his work responsibilities.

At my first examination, I had the impression that he had new variant Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease and that he would die within one year. I couldn’t understand why God would allow Don to become so ill since he was working as a missionary for Him.

The only treatment I was able to prescribe was to treat symptoms, so as Don’s condition began to improve, I knew that God was at work healing him.

As a doctor, I am convinced that God healed Don from a disease that is otherwise always fatal. No drug or medical treatment that he received from me could have healed this disease. God still does miracles, only not as often as we would like.

Devin Zimmerman, M.D., February 2005
South Bend Neurology, South Bend, Indiana

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